"1. Destroy the cult of the past, the obsession with the ancients, pedantry and academic formalism.

2. Totally invalidate all kinds of imitation".[11]

Confronting the symbols of authority from the throne to the Cathedra to the magistrates bench, these chairs are placed in the threshold as acts of total rebellion, object manifestos for a different rational.

The elaborate, the ostentatious chairs left to ruin, as a metaphor for the decline of the bourgeois are then used as seats, the occupier has the power to absorb that history, creating a position for a historical rewrite.

This new history is not one of fictional winners, or of a religiously biased history but an anarchistic view of history, which denies the past, negates the future and only looks at today and after that page is written, it is torn out to start anew for the next day.